A1: Composed Landscape
I chose the Durham College forest as my landscape, and used charcoal as my medium. I am not experienced with charcoal, I hope to improve my highlights.

A2: Line & Shape
I experimented with different line types using an object from nature, and then put my skills to use with a Still Life.

A3: Value & Form
My task was to draw an object using different tones, not lines. I used conte, which I prefer to charcoal as it was easier to control, and the white conte helped for highlights and contrast. I edited the reference photo to remove the disruptive background.

A4: Space & Perspective
In this assignment, I explored drawing spaces in 1 point (top) and 2 point (bottom) perspective.

A5: Texture & Colour
I drew a monochromatic still life of a stuffed alpaca using multiple forms of texture.